Lockdown Diary: Touch

I miss touching people. Hugging them, and holding hands, and having massages. I spoke to my humanist funeral celebrant mentor yesterday, and we discussed how achingly sad it is that people with coronavirus have to die without their loved ones there holding their hands, and that their relatives are not allowed to comfort each other at funerals.

The power of human contact and touch can’t be underestimated. Loneliness is one of the biggest killers, alongside stress, malnutrition and lack of exercise. Babies who are held thrive more and grow faster than those who aren’t.

Lockdown is necessary right now. It’s also devastating to many. I hope we’re through to the other side very soon.

This post has been made possible by my awesome Patreon supporters Peter Weilgony, Ricky Steer, Charlie Brooker, Mary and Tim Fowler, Steve Richards, Alan Brookland, Mark Ormandy, Oliver Vass, Keith Bell, John Fleming, Mark Bailey, Rebekah Bennetch, Matthew Sylvester, Brian Engler, Jack Scanlan, Dave Nattriss, MusicalComedyGuide.com, Aragorn Strider, Mark White, Lucy Spencer, Shane Jarvis, Emily Hill and Marcus P Knight.

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4 thoughts on “Lockdown Diary: Touch”

  1. On the bright side, garlic rules.
    Because my wife do not currently mingle with mortals, I can now cook with garlic in quantities normally only seen in nuclear fission experiments.

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